Taxation Season is Coming, What You Need To Prepare? | 稅季快來了,您需要做什麼準備?
|Regardless of the company director or shareholders’ tax residency, a company registered in Hong Kong is required to file a yearly tax return to the Inland Revenue Department of Hong Kong on a specific time. When you receive profit tax return issued by the Government of Hong Kong in April, you need to prepare an audited financial statement to meet with the government’s requirements within 1 month.
There are lots of tedious works you need to do in the preparation period. KPC has 12 years experiences of taking care of the clients’ accounting from worldwide. Let us tell you more about what you need to prepare for the taxation period.
Fine Bookkeeping System
Before filling your tax record, having a good bookkeeping system will be an advantage to submit the document to IRD easily. Reviewing past 12 years, we helped many clients to build their bookkeeping system and completed full set of accounting such as organising the invoices record, reconciliations of bank accounts and preparation of director’s report & tax computation etc. via an appropriate method by our auditors. When your business is start making profits, many transactions and invoice record will be moving into your company. If you do not have a fine bookkeeping system, you may not fulfill the government’s requirement cause the financial reports are not clearly for their review, Meanwhile, penalty for tax underpayment will be charged by government. Therefore, we highly recommend you maintain a fine bookkeeping system frequently before the taxation period is coming.
Well Understood of Local Compliance
Before you hand in those tedious documents, do you fully understand HK’s compliance? It is necessary to comply the right format and fulfill HK government’s requirements. Even though our tax system is simple, the documentation filing requirements are rigid. If you are not familiar with our tax compliance, you could assign to an experienced and professional firm like KPC Business Centre. We will explain in details what you need to pay attention and which compliance you need to comply with. Reducing the chance that you violate the local compliance.
KPC Business Centre has 12 years experiences with providing outstanding accounting & audit services. Looking for a professional accounting consultant? Please feel free to drop us an email at [email protected] / Whatsapp us +852 9168 9205 anytime.
無論你是或海外居民, 當您在香港經營業務,公司有責任於有關課稅年度準時提交報稅表。當您在4月收到香港政府發出的稅務申報表,這意味著納稅期即將到臨。同時,您需要準備所需的文件,例如達到政府要求的會計和審計報告等。在準備期間,您需要做很多繁瑣的工作。 尖沙咀商務中心在處理全球客戶的會計方面擁有12年的經驗。讓我們告訴您更多有關納稅期準備工作的信息。
會計入帳簿記系統 (Bookkeeping System)
在填寫納稅記錄之前,擁有一個良好的會計入帳簿記系統將是輕鬆將文件提交給IRD的一個好處。回顧過去的12年,我們通過審核員(auditor)幫助許多客戶建立了完善的會計入帳簿記系統並完成了全套會計工作,例如公司的發票記錄,銀行賬戶對賬以及準備董事報告和稅金計算等。當您的企業開始賺取盈利時,許多交易帳單和發票記錄將出入您的公司帳户。如果您沒有完善的會計入帳簿記系統,則可能無法滿足政府的要求,同時因為財務報告混亂,無法清楚展視帳單以供審核。同時,政府不論你是有心或是無意,都會對逃稅款的行為收取罰款。因此,我們強烈建議您在徵稅期來臨之前經常維護一個良好的會計入帳 簿記系統。
充分了解當地法規 (Understanding the local compliance)
尖沙咀商務中心在提供出色的會計和審計服務方面擁有12年的經驗。尋找專業的會計顧問?請隨時通過[email protected]向我們發送電子郵件 / Whatsapp+852 9168 9205。