重要控制人登記冊 Significant Controllers Register

Significant Controllers Register

Regarding to the new requirements on the Companies (Amendment) Ordinance 2018, effective from 1st March 2018, all Hong Kong companies are required to identify person(s)/entities with significant control over the company and keep a Significant Controllers Register to be accessible by law enforcement officers.

Your company is required to keep a Significant Controllers Register (“SCR”) at either the company registered office or a place in Hong Kong (with notice to the Registrar of Companies). Failure to comply with the requirement of keeping a SCR, the company and each of its responsible persons will be liable on conviction to a fine up to HK$25,000 and a daily fine of HK$700.

Know more https://hk-companyformation.com/significant-controllers-register.php


根據2018年《公司(修訂)條例》,由3 月1 日起,所有在香港成立為法團的公司(上市公司除外)均須備存重要控制人登記冊以識別及確定對其有重大控制權的人;及備存重要控制人登記冊供執法人員查閱。

為符合新規定,貴公司須於註冊辦事處或其他香港地點備存重要控制人登記冊(如登記冊並非存放於註冊辦事處須另行通知公司註冊處)。凡未有履行上述責任,即屬刑事罪行,有關公司及其每名責任人可各被處罰款港幣25,000元及 每日罰款700港元的罰款。

更多詳情 https://hk-companyformation.com/tc/significant-controllers-register.php