Funding Scheme Name 資助基金名稱 Objectives目標 Funds Details資助金額 1. Retail Technology Adoption Assistance Scheme for Manpower Demand Management零售業人力需求管理 Provide funding support for retail enterprises
The British Virgin Islands International Tax Authority (ITA) published a draft Economic Substance Code (the draft Code) The draft Code is supplementary to the Act and contains details
Celebrating 10th years Anniversary with KPC Business Centre, get a gift TODAY! 慶祝尖沙咀商務中心成立十周年, 免費送您限量版精品! Thank you for continued support over the years. Your trust is much appreciated and
Significant Controllers Register Regarding to the new requirements on the Companies (Amendment) Ordinance 2018, effective from 1st March 2018, all Hong Kong companies are required to identify person(s)/entities
PRESS RELEASE (Source : Information Services Department) Two-tiered profits tax rates regime to be implemented from April 1 this year ***************************************************************************** The Inland Revenue (Amendment) (No. 3) Ordinance
Hong Kong is the greatest direct and foreign investment source in China. Hong Kong is the regional headquarter of offices representing many parent companies located outside Hong Kong,
Kung Hei Fat Choy ! 恭喜發財 ! We take this opportunity to wish you and your family has happiness and prosperity Chinese Lunar New Year 2017! 我們藉此機會,祝愿您和您的家人在2017年里有一個健康幸福美滿繁榮的新年! KPC