What should I do if I disagree with the tax assessment?

When you receive your tax return, you have one month from the date of issue to complete and return it to the Inland Revenue Department (IRD). However, if you do not submit an audit report and relevant proof, IRD will implement tax assessment. Normally, they will use your profit to determine how much tax you must pay. If you disagree with an assessment, you have the right to file an objection and appeal. Let’s look into what you should do.

If you decide to contest the tax assessment, you must file a written notice of objection within the time limit specified. Form IR831 for objection may be completed, signed, and returned to the Inland Revenue Department. Your objection is also handled electronically. You must open an eTax account, which provides an easy, secure, and environmentally friendly way to facilitate your tax compliance.

The notice of objection must be received by the Inland Revenue Department within one month of the date of the assessment notice. If you have chosen personal assessment, the subsequent issuance of a notice of assessment will not extend the time limit for objecting to previously issued assessments of property tax, profits tax, or salaries tax.

Tax Payment or Tax Standover Regardless of whether you file a notice of objection or appeal, you must pay the tax on or before the date(s) specified in the notice of assessment, unless the Commissioner orders that payment of tax, or any portion of it, be held over pending the outcome of such objection or appeal.

Tax season is coming. Do you have no idea how to fix your annual return in Hong Kong? KPC Business Centre has 14 years of experience in providing accounting and audit services. Mail [email protected] / Whatsapp us at +852 9130 2236 if you have any acc & audit issues.


當您收到納稅申報表時,自簽發之日起,您有一個月的時間來完成並將其返回給稅務局 (IRD)。 但是,如果你沒有提交審計報告和相關證明,稅務局會實施稅務評估。 通常,他們會根據您的利潤來確定您必須繳納多少稅款。 如果您不同意評估,您有權提出異議和上訴。 讓我們看看你應該做什麼。

如果您決定對稅務評估提出上訴,您必須在指定的時限內提交書面的上訴通知。 填寫並簽署給稅務局的 IR831 上訴表。 您的上訴也可以透過電子方式處理。 您須開設一個 eTax 帳戶,該帳戶提供了一種簡單、安全且環保的方式來促進您的稅務合規。反對通知書必須在評估通知書日期起計一個月內送達稅務局。 如果你選擇了個人評稅,其後發出的評稅通知書將不會延長反對先前發出的物業稅、利得稅或薪俸稅評稅的期限。即使作出反對通知或上訴通知,你仍須在評税通知書所指明的日期或之前繳付税款,除非税務局局長命令在等候該項反對或上訴的結果時可緩繳整筆税款或其部分。

稅季在3月便來了。 假如你不懂處理周年申報表的話,可以聯絡我們。 尖沙咀商務中心擁有 14 年的會計審計經驗。 如果您有任何賬戶和審計問題,請發送郵件至 [email protected] / Whatsapp 我們 +852 9130 2236。